Learn to be a Health Consumer

Let’s face it, Americans will continue to face rising healthcare costs. Whether measured relative to its population or economy, the United States spends by far the most in the world on health care. (Mark Pearson, OECD) The U.S. spent $8,233 on health per person in...

Sleep: The Body Mechanic’s Workplace

At the end of a difficult day, sleep is a welcome release. Ever wonder why babies sleep so much? I always thought it was because they don’t have a job. Reality is that sleep is vital to growth and development. The value of sleep continues in adulthood. A good night’s...

Painful Lies – Resource Guide for Pain Recovery

Pain is an opportunity. An opportunity to listen to your body as you determine which challenges are worthwhile ventures.   Pain forces you to live in the present.  You can wait for it to disappear, much like a shipwreck survivor awaits rescue.  Or you can begin the...

Alaska’s Opioid Epidemic

As recent as 2012, Alaska’s opioid overdose death rate was greater than double the rate in the United States (10.5 vs. 5.1 per 100,000 persons). Understanding how severe this epidemic has grown, Governor Bill Walker recently signed into law House Bill 159 in effort to...
Eat Your Way to Strong

Eat Your Way to Strong

Northern Edge Physical Therapy promotes the principles of mobility and strength to guide exercise prescription. Our clients realize real success when the exercise is geared towards restoring tissue nutrition and balance throughout the kinematic chain. Our goal behind...