What is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction? If there were any taboo subject related to chronic pain, it would have to be in regards to pelvic health. Many clients have a difficult time bringing up pelvic floor issues as they are often regarded as embarrassing or irrelevant. The...
Authors – Katelyn Carpenter, PT, DPT & Jimmy Sliwa, PT, DPT, CMTPT Introduction What is mindfulness? Can mindfulness affect pain? 5 Strategies to Implement Mindfulness into Practice Remember how the supermoon lunar eclipse helped us start the new year with...
Katelyn Carpenter, PT, DPT & Jimmy Sliwa, PT, DPT, CMTPT Most runners have probably heard they should change their running shoes every 300-500 miles. Perhaps good advice if you truly believe running on worn down shoes can lead to injury. When a runner begins to...
Much like yawning, posture is a contagious act. Oftentimes just talking about posture causes others to sit tall in their chairs and draw their shoulder blades together. This is a phenomenon that I have coined as “subliminal posture.” Go ahead and try it; mention to...
As recent as 2012, Alaska’s opioid overdose death rate was greater than double the rate in the United States (10.5 vs. 5.1 per 100,000 persons). Understanding how severe this epidemic has grown, Governor Bill Walker recently signed into law House Bill 159 in effort to...