Men’s Pelvic Health

Men’s Pelvic Health

Men’s Pelvic Health The truth about pelvic function in men over 50. by Dr. Keith Poorbaugh, PT Nothing is for nothing Most of us had no intention of making it this far. We were raised in an era when men were expected to be something. Whether it was a family...
Elbow Pain Is Not What It Seems

Elbow Pain Is Not What It Seems

Is it possible for all elbow pain to be caused by muscle tendonitis?   It’s the most likely culprit since it easily explains the presence of pain at or near the elbow.  Typically complaints of pain along the lateral elbow get tagged with tennis elbow while those with...

What is Pain?

What is pain? Where does it come from and how to treat it.  Keith Poorbaugh breaks pain down to its elements and how that informs treatment in this informational...